Pook's Palace
'''Pook's Palace''' (Sholeh Sabban, Sarkh Drudach, Khanduq Ward, Calimport). This once opulent villa was both the home of the infamous Pasha Pook and the Thieves' Guildhall until the downfall of the pasha in the Year of the Prince (1357 DR). Now partly run down and no longer the seat of power for any of the criminal families of Calimport, Pook's Palace is the home of the drunken and temperamental Druzir of Rogues' Drudach and Sabbalad of Sholeh Sabban, Nur yn Aban el Esarn (CE hm T4). Druzir Esarn was once a sneak-thief under Pasha Pook, and he knows enough secrets to maintain his small level of power but little more.